Project Report
Affordable Handset Adoption
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The mobile revolution in the last few years has changed the way interaction functions in India. A majority of the low income group and bottom of the pyramid users are undergoing transformational changes that could be attributed to the penetration of affordable handsets into the Indian market. Indian states with high mobile penetration can be expected to grow faster than those states with lower mobile penetration rates. Considering that the growth that can reach 1.2 % a year for every 10% of penetration (Source: Impact of Mobile Phones. 2009. The Policy Paper Series.), it becomes critical to understand the socio-economic elements that have permeated into the lives of AH consumers owing to handset acquisition. Though India is a country that has 36 phone connections for every 100 people, the market is far from being saturated. There is immense scope for telecom players to reach out to a substantial segment of non-adopters as well as continue to provide an improved service experiences to existing users. This project was undertaken by Vihara Innovation Network and commissioned by Vodafone in 2009.
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